Thursday, 18 August 2011

A belated bunch of Burnee links for Thursday

"It's gone very quiet."

(Listeners to the Skepticule Record will know that I'm quoting myself there.)

But yes, it's been quiet here in Burnee land over the last week. That's because I've been busy — mostly with audio editing (including our fascinating Westboro Baptist Church interview), but also with other non-blog-related stuff, such as attending Pompey Skeptics in the Pub, going to the Proms at the Royal Albert Hall, seeing a Terence Rattigan play at Chichester Festival Theatre, and spending most of last Sunday in a woodland clearing at my family's annual picnic.

Maybe I'll catch up with the blogging, or maybe I won't. Anyway, here are some links:

When I stopped being an atheist … « Choice in Dying
The Biologos video is called ”A Leap of Truth.” It’s not really worth watching, in my view. It has all the same suspects saying roughly the same things they’ve said otherwhere and otherwhen. I have to admit, though, that Alister McGrath is arguably the biggest bullshitter of them all, and is almost compelling in his vacuity.
Eric MacDonald plumbs the McGrath shallows.

Paul Simms: “God’s Blog” : The New Yorker
As a "design", this is unintelligently brilliant!

Is the internet dangerous? Taking a closer look at Baroness Greenfield’s concerns — Risk Science Blog
Susan Greenfield is given a fair hearing, but still lacks evidence.

The Daily Mail knowingly and commercially used my photos despite my denying them permission. - Wonderland
Let's pretend to be ethical when it suits us. (But mostly, to hell with ethics.)