Saturday, 9 January 2010

Forthcoming radio discussion of "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed"

Next Saturday, on Premier Christian Radio's Unbelievable? discussion programme at 2:30 pm, host Justin Brierley will be talking with Stephen C. Meyer of the Discovery Institute (and whose new book is Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design) about the film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. The programme is in advance of a screening of the film that Premier are arranging concurrent with the DVD release in Britain. (Unlike in the US the film will not be on general release in the UK, but has gone straight to DVD.) I understand that Premier's screening will be followed by a debate.

When I learned of Premier's plans I posted the following on the Premier Community discussion forum:
In last week's show Justin made much of Premier's efforts to arrange a screening of the disgracefully mendacious film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. I've seen it, and I urge anyone, whether or not they've already seen the film, to check out the US National Center for Science Education's website about it, Expelled Exposed, which contains point-by-point refutations of all the claims made in this horrible production.

Also well worth your while is the unedited audio (in two parts) of a discussion between the editors of Scientific American and Mark Mathis, associate producer of Expelled.

In addition there is available a subtitle track to enable those tech-savvy enough to know what to do with it to watch the film with explanatory notes that point out each lie as it comes up (warning: it's not just here and there — it's a steady stream of text).

The history of Expelled, from its deliberate deception of its interviewees, through to its pre-release marketing and the production's manifestation of Godwin's Law from the very start*, is a sorry tale of dishonest, cynical manipulation. In short, this film stinks.
Details (venue and date) of the screening have yet to be finalised, but they will be available at the Unbelievable? website.
*Actually no. Although Godwin's Law manifests egregiously towards the end of the film, the footage at the beginning is of the Berlin Wall. In a fit of vituperation I carelessly conflated Nazis—Germany—Berlin, but I promise to try harder next time.