Spot the difference : nullifidian
How to spot a hidden religious agenda - science-in-society - 28 February 2009 - New Scientist
(via Bay of Fundie)
The thing that made the things for which there is no known maker | AnAtheist.Net
Derren Brown Blog » Blog Archive » Belief and non-Belief
Daylight Atheism > Atheists, Show Some Respect!
Islam’s horror of homosexuality is based on Koranic misinterpretation - The Freethinker
Skeptic: eSkeptic: Wednesday, March 4th, 2009
“Reasons To Believe” … or Not - by Gary J. Whittenberger
Malevolent voices that despise our freedoms | Philip Pullman - Times Online
xkcd - A Webcomic - Correlation

A couple more links that I overlooked...
Creation Science Movement
Thank you Dr. Stephen Hayes, for explaining the creationist agenda so well.
Carnival of the Godless #111 - The Atheist Blogger
A good list.