Saturday 17 January 2009

Burnee links for Saturday

Freethinker - Green has infertile grounds for complaint

New Humanist Blog: Christian Voice lauch complaint over Atheist Bus Campaign

Dailymotion - God versus the Advertising Standards Authority, a video from TimClague. xmas, christmas, god, jesus, religion

Heresy Corner: Clifford Longley "silly", says friend

YouTube - The faith cake

Freethinker - Wails from Wales over ‘attack’ on Christianity

Bus ad draws fire from MPs (and a bus driver) |

Pharyngula: For God's sake, have Bryan Appleyard's articles made any difference to our lives?

Dave Hill: Why Christian Voice, which has complained about the atheist buses, gives religion a bad name | Comment is free |

Well, it appears the Atheist Bus Campaign has been a resounding success!