Monday, 29 September 2008

Burnee links for Monday

For a few days the tendrils of the internet will reach for me in vain, so no updates till next weekend.

Meanwhile . . .

The Freethinker › Decrease in viscosity turns Catholic brains to jelly

The BEAST: America's Best Fiend
PZ Myers answers some questions

Sue Blackmore: Can human consciousness survive without a brain? | Comment is free |

Pharyngula: Help an atheist out

Butterflies and Wheels Article
Islam and Human Rights

The Pagan Prattle Online: Creationism in Northern Ireland

British Humanist Association
Humanists take legal action on GCSE exclusion

No Science, Please - Books & Culture
A review of The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing

Skeptic: eSkeptic: Wednesday, September 24th, 2008
How to resolve the war

Mmegi Online :: The American anti-intellectual threat

Predictably / Irrational

The Freethinker › Stealth Christians infiltrate Lancashire schools