- Forbidden Planet - Shakespeare's The Tempest given a science-fictional re-interpretation
- Metropolis - imagination ahead of its time
- 2001: A Space Odyssey - the first SF religious movie, with special effects that even today have not been surpassed (equalled, but not surpassed)
- Blade Runner - Ridley Scott's dystopian free-adaptation of Dick
- The Matrix - awesome spectacle, shame about the sequels
- Brazil - Gilliam's finest (in fact, anybody's)
- Silent Running - greenhouses in space, with cute robots
- Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope - strictly fantasy rather than SF, despite the space-ships, robots and futuristic weapons
- ET - The Extra-Terrestrial - highly successful, but full of Spielberg schmaltz
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind - another influential Spielberg flick, though my least favourite here
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Top Ten seminal science-fiction films... (repost from other blog)
...in no particular order - a personal list.
science fiction
Top Ten seminal science-fiction films... (repost from other blog)
Paul S. Jenkins
film|movies|science fiction|