My unannounced six-month experiment with one-blogpost-a-day has come to an end. At the beginning of the year I resolved to put up one blogpost for each day, and soon discovered that it wasn't always convenient to make that one blogpost on each day. I got over this inconvenience by catching up later and back-dating blogposts, which made the archive nice and neat, but was hampered by the necessity of maintaining a kind of fiction (by not posting about things which I would not have come across before the date of the post). During the last month I've become more relaxed about this self-imposed regimen and I'm now happy to let things slide as they sometimes must, but I've decided to maintain the schedule on the basis of an average: what I'm aiming for is at least one blog post for each day, but not necessarily on each day.
This should not be hard; with Burnee links taking up two days, that's five substantial (200 words or more) posts per week. When I was writing my novel (The Plitone Revisionist — available in audio format for free from, in case you were wondering), towards the end of 130,000 words I managed 1200 words per day, seven days a week for several months (and I have a day job).
I've already written about why I blog so I won't reiterate that here. Suffice to say I continue to enjoy it, so I'll continue to do it.
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Pointful bloggery
Paul S. Jenkins