Saturday, 11 January 2014

Burnee links for Saturday

New cross put up in window at Haycombe Cemetery | Bath Chronicle
The crematorium provides a cross if you want one, or it can be removed if you don't. Secularism in action — a Christian symbol is not imposed on non-Christians, and Christians are not denied such a symbol. (Though one might query who is paying for the cross — non-Christians pay Council Tax too.)

Not doing it for the kids | Julian Baggini | Comment is free |
Some good points, but it's been suggested that this attitude could explain why the non-religious appear to reproduce less than the religious. Baggini, however, makes no such correlation in this article.

Rise of the exorcists in Catholic Church - Telegraph
The need for exorcisms is “rare, very rare”, said Fr Vincenzio Taraborelli...
Infinitesimally so, I'd say. The supernatural claims of religion are untrue.

xkcd: Photos

15 ways atheists can stand up for rationality -
Say no to the “master-slave” ethos, among other things. No doubt "serious theists" will proclaim this agenda as simplistic, yet their sophisticated theology[TM] — when examined — will be revealed as the epitome of vacuity.