Given the (lack of) frequency with which the Burnee links have recently (not) appeared, perhaps this should be called Burnee links for August.
Topic of Cancer | Culture | Vanity Fair
The Hitch — down but not out.
Science and Rationalism: The argument from Sye
Via a various and intricate route that's not worth elaborating here, I came across this excellent refutation of Sye Ten Bruggencate's presuppositionalist website, "Proof That God Exists". (I was going to subscribe to "Science and Rationalism" but it appears that this post — from June 2009 — is the only one there.)
The slow, whiny death of British Christianity : Johann Hari
The secularisation of Britain is well under way, but the religious are kicking up a fuss.
The onward march of secularism | David Pollock | Comment is free |
While secularism appears popular, the state appears to be ignoring popular opinion.
OVERCOMPENSATING: The Journal Comic With a Seething Disdain for Reality.
Especially read Jeffrey Rowland's comment below the comic.
Last Night's TV: Faith Schools Menace?/More 4 - Reviews, TV & Radio - The Independent
Tom Sutcliffe reviews (favourably) Richard Dawkins' latest TV programme — the first in More4's series entitled Richard Dawkins' Age of Reason (though I believe that those to come are all repeats).
The Atheist Experience™: On the difference between religion and woo
Matt Dillahunty skewers religious special pleading.
The End of Religion - Jeff Schweitzer - -
Jeff Schweitzer embraces "blind, pitiless indifference" in an essay that could almost be a manifesto for atheistic humanism. Highly recommended.
Daylight Atheism > Are Evolved Minds Reliable Truth-Finders?
As a result of some discussion in the Premier forum I've been researching some of Alvin Plantinga's ideas on whether naturalism is warranted — and this post from 2006 turned up.
[Updated] Transcript from The God Debate - Richard Dawkins - The Times -
Following Stephen Hawking's recent pronouncement about the universe not needing a creator, TimesOnline ran a debate "chat". Richard Dawkins was one of the participants, and he did well to keep calm in the face of the same old wishy-washy. Ruth Gledhill in particular seems not to care whether what she believes is actually true.
Unanswerable Prayers | Culture | Vanity Fair
He's such a card, that Hitchens.
Julian Baggini: If science has not actually killed God, it has rendered Him unrecognisable - Science, News - The Independent
Is the magisterial overlap widening?
Saturday 4 September 2010
Burnee links for Saturday (any Saturday, or indeed any day)
Paul S. Jenkins
Burnee links|