Monday, 29 September 2008
Burnee links for Monday
For a few days the tendrils of the internet will reach for me in vain, so no updates till next weekend.
Meanwhile . . .
The Freethinker › Decrease in viscosity turns Catholic brains to jelly
The BEAST: America's Best Fiend
PZ Myers answers some questions
Sue Blackmore: Can human consciousness survive without a brain? | Comment is free |
Pharyngula: Help an atheist out
Butterflies and Wheels Article
Islam and Human Rights
The Pagan Prattle Online: Creationism in Northern Ireland
British Humanist Association
Humanists take legal action on GCSE exclusion
No Science, Please - Books & Culture
A review of The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing
Skeptic: eSkeptic: Wednesday, September 24th, 2008
How to resolve the war
Mmegi Online :: The American anti-intellectual threat
Predictably / Irrational
The Freethinker › Stealth Christians infiltrate Lancashire schools
Meanwhile . . .
The Freethinker › Decrease in viscosity turns Catholic brains to jelly
The BEAST: America's Best Fiend
PZ Myers answers some questions
Sue Blackmore: Can human consciousness survive without a brain? | Comment is free |
Pharyngula: Help an atheist out
Butterflies and Wheels Article
Islam and Human Rights
The Pagan Prattle Online: Creationism in Northern Ireland
British Humanist Association
Humanists take legal action on GCSE exclusion
No Science, Please - Books & Culture
A review of The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing
Skeptic: eSkeptic: Wednesday, September 24th, 2008
How to resolve the war
Mmegi Online :: The American anti-intellectual threat
Predictably / Irrational
The Freethinker › Stealth Christians infiltrate Lancashire schools
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
Burnee links for Monday
Paul S. Jenkins
Burnee links|

Burnee links
Sunday, 28 September 2008
The Virgin Daughters (Channel 4 TV)
Last Thursday, at exactly the same time that Five was broadcasting The Million Dollar Mind Reader, Channel 4 showed the latest in the Cutting Edge documentary series: The Virgin Daughters. To quote from the Channel 4 website: (2/5) (3/5) (4/5) (5/5)
(Thanks again to threespeed79 for uploading the YouTube video clips. BitTorrent enabled viewers go here.)
It was fascinating to watch, not just for the fairly neutral stance that the documentary makers took with the commentary, but also for the way the film accentuated the superficial wholesomeness of the community. The fathers were upstanding, quietly reverent and sincere. The daughters were beautiful, well-spoken and articulate. The religious aspect was evident but not stressed. The whole production spoke of quality, and indeed purity. Even the background music promoted an air of idyllic magnificence.
But despite the portrayal of genuine concern for the future of young lives needing to be cherished, the many scenes with the fathers and daughters together was undeniably and disturbingly creepy. So much utter perfection on display could only, I felt (entirely without evidence), hide something horrendously putrid at its core. Maybe I'm conditioned by so many sad news reports of in-family abuse, but this impression was, for me, unavoidable.
Randy Wilson, a father, is the minister at New Life Church, Colorado Springs* (where the infamous Ted Haggard was minister until his spectacular fall from grace), and he runs the Purity Ball. His wife Lisa was asked about her reasons for promoting purity. Surprisingly she did not quote biblical texts to support her view. Rather, she pointed out the risks of sex before marriage: unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. This is ironic, given that these people clearly support 'abstinence only' sex education (which means, in effect, no sex education at all).
It was telling, also, that the one son interviewed on the programme was shown wearing a tee-shirt emblazoned "Patrick Henry College", a university that was the subject of another Channel 4 documentary, God's Next Army.
(*If Randy Wilson is the minister of New Life Church, Colorado Springs, why can't I find his name listed anywhere on the church's website?)
This week Cutting Edge explores the controversial purity movement currently sweeping across the United States. One-in-six American girls now pledges to remain a virgin - and some even to save their first kiss - until their wedding day. But is this their decision, or their fathers'? (1/5)
Providing a fascinating insight into America's heartland, award-winning documentary maker Jane Treays follows a group of fathers and daughters as they prepare to attend a Purity Ball in Colorado Springs. (2/5) (3/5) (4/5) (5/5)
(Thanks again to threespeed79 for uploading the YouTube video clips. BitTorrent enabled viewers go here.)
It was fascinating to watch, not just for the fairly neutral stance that the documentary makers took with the commentary, but also for the way the film accentuated the superficial wholesomeness of the community. The fathers were upstanding, quietly reverent and sincere. The daughters were beautiful, well-spoken and articulate. The religious aspect was evident but not stressed. The whole production spoke of quality, and indeed purity. Even the background music promoted an air of idyllic magnificence.
But despite the portrayal of genuine concern for the future of young lives needing to be cherished, the many scenes with the fathers and daughters together was undeniably and disturbingly creepy. So much utter perfection on display could only, I felt (entirely without evidence), hide something horrendously putrid at its core. Maybe I'm conditioned by so many sad news reports of in-family abuse, but this impression was, for me, unavoidable.
Randy Wilson, a father, is the minister at New Life Church, Colorado Springs* (where the infamous Ted Haggard was minister until his spectacular fall from grace), and he runs the Purity Ball. His wife Lisa was asked about her reasons for promoting purity. Surprisingly she did not quote biblical texts to support her view. Rather, she pointed out the risks of sex before marriage: unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. This is ironic, given that these people clearly support 'abstinence only' sex education (which means, in effect, no sex education at all).
It was telling, also, that the one son interviewed on the programme was shown wearing a tee-shirt emblazoned "Patrick Henry College", a university that was the subject of another Channel 4 documentary, God's Next Army.
(*If Randy Wilson is the minister of New Life Church, Colorado Springs, why can't I find his name listed anywhere on the church's website?)
Channel 4,
New Life Church,
Purity Ball,
Saturday, 27 September 2008
The Million Dollar Mind Reader
On the UK's Channel Five TV last Thursday night we were treated to an hour-long documentary in the Extraordinary People strand - the Million Dollar Mind Reader, about Derek Ogilvie, who had a series in 2006 on the same channel called The Baby Mind Reader. (1/5) (2/5) (3/5) (4/5) (5/5)
(Thanks to threespeed79 for posting the YouTube videos.*)
Credit must go to Derek Ogilvie for stepping up to the challenge. That he did so reinforces the impression given in the documentary that he genuinely believes he has psychic powers. A charlatan would know that he or she stood very little chance of coming through a proper scientific test. How many other high-profile 'psychics' have accepted James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge? Maybe some are in the process, but, so far, no others have been tested.
After his miserable performances at, firstly, Goldsmiths College, University of London (under the supervision of Professor Chris French), and secondly at the University of Miami, Florida, where he was tested by Randi, Ogilvie willingly submitted to some EEG tests that apparently showed something unusual going on in his brain, but the scientist concerned too readily linked this to some kind of 'ability'. So what if Ogilvie is able to go into a kind of semi-trance when he does his readings - that doesn't mean he's psychic. Googling the the scientist himself doesn't inspire confidence in his scientific rigour, bringing up this website (amongst others) for Dr. Gerald Gluck, PhD.
Derek Ogilvie: genuine person? Possibly. Genuine psychic? No.
(*Also available via BitTorrent, here.) (1/5) (2/5) (3/5) (4/5) (5/5)
(Thanks to threespeed79 for posting the YouTube videos.*)
Credit must go to Derek Ogilvie for stepping up to the challenge. That he did so reinforces the impression given in the documentary that he genuinely believes he has psychic powers. A charlatan would know that he or she stood very little chance of coming through a proper scientific test. How many other high-profile 'psychics' have accepted James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge? Maybe some are in the process, but, so far, no others have been tested.
After his miserable performances at, firstly, Goldsmiths College, University of London (under the supervision of Professor Chris French), and secondly at the University of Miami, Florida, where he was tested by Randi, Ogilvie willingly submitted to some EEG tests that apparently showed something unusual going on in his brain, but the scientist concerned too readily linked this to some kind of 'ability'. So what if Ogilvie is able to go into a kind of semi-trance when he does his readings - that doesn't mean he's psychic. Googling the the scientist himself doesn't inspire confidence in his scientific rigour, bringing up this website (amongst others) for Dr. Gerald Gluck, PhD.
Derek Ogilvie: genuine person? Possibly. Genuine psychic? No.
(*Also available via BitTorrent, here.)
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
The Million Dollar Mind Reader
Paul S. Jenkins
Channel Five|Derek Ogilvie|James Randi|Million Dollar Challenge|psychics|telepathy|TV|

Channel Five,
Derek Ogilvie,
James Randi,
Million Dollar Challenge,
Monday, 22 September 2008
The Atheist Blogroll

Fast forward over three years and I have my own sceptical blog (you're reading it), and I'm far from alone. Notes from an Evil Burnee has been added to The Atheist Blogroll, which comprises hundreds of blogs. Look to the right of this page, scroll down and you'll find links to some of the recently updated ones there. The Atheist Blogroll is a community-building service provided free of charge to atheist bloggers from around the world. If you'd like to join, visit Mojoey at Deep Thoughts for more information.
UPDATE: Ever since I posted this entry it has bugged me that I couldn't find the edition of Skepticality in which Derek & Swoopy played my clip. Extensive (!) research has revealed the reason. They didn't. It's funny how memory can play tricks, especially when tacitly reinforced by the very person who, I thought, played the clip (see Derek's comment to this post).
What actually happened is they posted a downloadable clip on the front page of the Skepticality website. Of course, it's no longer there, but through the wonders of the Wayback Machine you can still see the page, if not actually download the clip.
Atheist Blogroll,
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Burnee links for Sunday

The Freethinker › Platitude of the Day
See also this previous post of mine:
Thought for the Day: Time to retire this tired old format
ABC News: Why Do We Believe Impossible Things?
Creationist Britain (would you Adam and Eve it?) - Home News, UK - The Independent
Bad Science » Don’t let the facts spoil a good story
Sam Harris on Sarah Palin and Elitism | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |
Sarah Palin must be a dirty creationist - Telegraph
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Hadron Collider halted for months
More on what actually happened:
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | What happened to the Big Bang machine?
I don't believe that believers really believe | Jamie Whyte - Times Online
Neither do I.
Shining a light where science and theology meet -Times Online
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
Burnee links for Sunday
Paul S. Jenkins
Burnee links|

Burnee links
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Michael Reiss: did he jump or was he pushed?
So Michael Reiss has 'stepped down' from his post as Director of Education at the Royal Society. Shortly prior to the announcement this letter appeared in The Times:
Anyway, his original piece is available to view at the British Association website, so whatever he has said subsequently, we can judge his words as they stand:
Yes, and giving it credence in a science lesson is the last thing science teachers should do. Soft-pedalling on the conflict between science and patently unscientific views of the nature of the physical world will only perpetuate irrationality. It's not enough to point out that a worldview is incompatible with science ("but that's ok, I respect your religious beliefs"). Rather, a student who believes in creationism should be shown how his or her worldview is in direct contradiction to actual physical reality.
Michael Reiss was pushed, and rightly so.
I believe Michael Reiss also issued a statement attempting to clarify his position (I say 'believe' because I remember reading it somewhere, but now I can't find it).Sir, Creationism has no scientific validity but this does not stop some people from believing that it does (“Royal Society and the case for creationism”, Sept 12). If a young person raises the issue of creationism in a science class, a teacher should be in a position to examine why it does not stand up to scientific investigation. This position is the same as current government policy.
Evolution is recognised as the best explanation for the history of life on Earth from its beginnings and for the diversity of species. It is rightly taught as an essential part of biology and science courses in schools, colleges and universities across the world.
Professor Michael Reiss
Director of Education
The Royal Society
Anyway, his original piece is available to view at the British Association website, so whatever he has said subsequently, we can judge his words as they stand:
My central argument of this article is that creationism is best seen by a science teacher not as a misconception but as a worldview. The implication of this is that the most a science teacher can normally aspire to is to ensure that students with creationist beliefs understand the scientific position. In the short term, this scientific worldview is unlikely to supplant a creationist one.Well, that seems eminently sensible. But there's more:
So how might one teach evolution in science lessons, say to 14-16 year-olds? The first thing to note is that there is scope for young people to discuss beliefs about the origins of the Earth and living things in other subjects, notably religious education (RE). In England, the DCSF (Department for Children, Schools and Families) and QCA (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) have published a non-statutory national framework for RE and teaching units which include a unit asking 'How can we answer questions about creation and origins?'. The unit focuses on creation and the origins of the universe and human life, as well as the relationships between religion and science. It can be downloaded from
I do believe in taking seriously and respectfully the concerns of students who do not accept the theory of evolution while still introducing them to it. While it is unlikely that this will help students who have a conflict between science and their religious beliefs to resolve the conflict, good science teaching can help students to manage it - and to learn more science. Creationism can profitably be seen not as a simple misconception that careful science teaching can correct, as careful science teaching might hope to persuade a student that an object continues at uniform velocity unless acted on by a net force, or that most of the mass of a plant comes from air. Rather, a student who believes in creationism can be seen as inhabiting a non-scientific worldview, that is a very different way of seeing the world. One very rarely changes one's worldview as a result of a 50 minute lesson, however well taught.It's that penultimate sentence that irks. "Rather, a student who believes in creationism can be seen as inhabiting a non-scientific worldview, that is a very different way of seeing the world."
Yes, and giving it credence in a science lesson is the last thing science teachers should do. Soft-pedalling on the conflict between science and patently unscientific views of the nature of the physical world will only perpetuate irrationality. It's not enough to point out that a worldview is incompatible with science ("but that's ok, I respect your religious beliefs"). Rather, a student who believes in creationism should be shown how his or her worldview is in direct contradiction to actual physical reality.
Michael Reiss was pushed, and rightly so.
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
Michael Reiss: did he jump or was he pushed?
Paul S. Jenkins
British Association|creationism|education|Michael Reiss|

British Association,
Michael Reiss
Friday, 19 September 2008
CFI: It's Time for Science and Reason
We need more efforts like this, to counter the pernicious spread of woo-woo throughout modern life. We need more of the likes of Dawkins, Pinker and Dennett on TV, and more exposure of rational thinking generally.
We need more efforts like this, to counter the pernicious spread of woo-woo throughout modern life. We need more of the likes of Dawkins, Pinker and Dennett on TV, and more exposure of rational thinking generally.
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
CFI: It's Time for Science and Reason
Paul S. Jenkins
Center for Inquiry|CFI|

Center for Inquiry,
Politics, religion and moral psychology: Jonathan Haidt - TED Talks
Jonathan Haidt: The real difference between liberals and conservatives
These TED Talks are usually (as here) short, pithy and well worth watching. Unique, provocative content.
These TED Talks are usually (as here) short, pithy and well worth watching. Unique, provocative content.
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
Politics, religion and moral psychology: Jonathan Haidt - TED Talks
Paul S. Jenkins
Jonathan Haidt|TED|

Jonathan Haidt,
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Will Eoin Colfer taint Douglas Adams' masterpiece? (repost from other blog)

I'm linking to the repost on as well as the original Guardian article, because the comments at highlight a common concern raised whenever some piece of literature is 'continued', or a classic film is remade.
People seem to be worried that an inferior sequel or continuation somehow taints the original work. It doesn't. The original work is still there. Look at modernisations of Shakespeare. You may like them or loathe them, but the original plays are still available, entirely unaltered by any reinterpretation. My great uncle, Herbert M. Jenkins, was adamant that Shakespeare should be played in one of only two ways: Elizabethan dress, or the dress of the period the play was portraying. (He had a point - there's a passage in Julius Caesar where Caesar is described by an onlooker as "throwing open his doublet". No mention of him wearing a toga, which seems more likely attire for ancient Rome.)
I think Uncle Bertie was wrong. Authors, dramatists, film-makers, indeed creators of any kind are free to draw on any sources for their inspiration, copyright permitting. They may or may not do a good job (though that's often a matter of opinion or artistic judgement). But whatever they do, they will not extinguish the original work, which is available for anyone to experience in its pristine original form.
Or even to make yet another adaptation.
Douglas Adams,
Eoin Colfer,
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Burnee links for Sunday

American Chronicle | Imagine There's No Heaven - David Swanson
The Skeptic magazine news page » Nine Lessons and Carols for Godless People
Origin of the specious | New Humanist
A. C. Grayling puts the boot in
BBC2 to air documentary marking 20th anniversary of the The Satanic Verses | Media |
Pharyngula: Peeeedaaaaaants!
Skepchick: Spiritualism, Carl Sagan, Fact and Fiction…
The Freethinker › Teachers ‘must respect’ the creationist views of their pupils
Direct link to Michael Reiss's paper:
the-BA: Should creationism be a part of the science curriculum?
Neatorama » The REAL Secret Behind Crop Circles
Saudi OKs Killing "Immoral" TV Execs, Decree Says Permissible To Kill Satellite TV Network Owners Over Immoral Content - CBS News
Bad Science » Matthias Rath drops his million pound legal case against me and the Guardian.
...and the Guardian itself:
Matthias Rath: Fall of the doctor who said his vitamins would cure Aids | World news | The Guardian
Creationism and the advance of counterknowledge :: Damian Thompson
Have we ever faced an enemy more stupid than Muslim terrorists? | The Spectator
DC’s Improbable Science: The gripes of Rath
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
Burnee links for Sunday
Paul S. Jenkins
Burnee links|

Burnee links
Saturday, 13 September 2008
LHC roundup

Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet?
. . . which neatly leads into:
Hysteria over LHC reaches critical mass | Edger
The BBC has been as guilty as anyone in its general news bulletins, though Radio 4 put out some good coverage - Engineering Solutions with Adam Hart-Davis, in particular:

After the above link expires, download an mp3 from RapidShare here:
Finally, also from Adam Hart-Davis:
Large Hadron Collider: Why we're all in love with the 'God particle' machine - Telegraph
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
LHC roundup
Paul S. Jenkins
Large Hadron Collider|LHC|

Large Hadron Collider,
Friday, 12 September 2008
Dancing plague - Strasbourg, 1518

You couldn't make it up . . .
"In July 1518, a terrifying and mysterious plague struck the medieval city of Strasbourg. Hundreds of men and women danced wildly, day after day, in the punishing summer heat. Some of them even died. In his book A Time to Dance A Time To Die, just published, a British historian of medicine based at Michigan State University has uncovered fresh evidence into why this so called dancing plague took place. The author John Waller explains what exactly the dancing plague was."Today Programme, BBC Radio 4:
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
Dancing plague - Strasbourg, 1518
Paul S. Jenkins
BBC|dancing plague|John Waller|Today|

dancing plague,
John Waller,
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Harlan Ellison: "Pay the Writer" - an outdated concept? (repost from other blog)
Harlan Ellison is well known for being . . . forthright.
(via WritersWeekly)
His point of view is a valid one, but it's also a little dated in this age of new media. For all his maverick bluster Ellison is an established writer who got where he is today by traditional methods. Those methods have become less appropriate now that so much free stuff is available.
New writers ('underpublished' writers, as Evo Terra of calls them) would do well to explore the alternatives. Slavishly insisting that every word carries a price-tag can be counterproductive. In essence Ellison is right, but it's worth remembering that writers can receive 'value' for their work in other than money.
(via WritersWeekly)
His point of view is a valid one, but it's also a little dated in this age of new media. For all his maverick bluster Ellison is an established writer who got where he is today by traditional methods. Those methods have become less appropriate now that so much free stuff is available.
New writers ('underpublished' writers, as Evo Terra of calls them) would do well to explore the alternatives. Slavishly insisting that every word carries a price-tag can be counterproductive. In essence Ellison is right, but it's worth remembering that writers can receive 'value' for their work in other than money.
Evo Terra,
Harlan Ellison,
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Burnee links for Sunday

Legal bid to stop CERN atom smasher from 'destroying the world' - Telegraph
The “Carl Sagan Institute”… of Ufology! | forgetomori » The unkindest cut?
Pharyngula: Palinanity
Pharyngula: Didgeridoos are not for you, little girl
Polly Toynbee: Faith schools may be Blair's most damaging legacy | Comment is free | The Guardian
The Associated Press: McCain fought money on teen pregnancy programs
Skepchick: Fine, I’ll say it then…
"Sarah Palin has been John McCain’s running mate for less than a week now and I’m already so sick of her I want to punch my TV. I feel like I know more about her and her family than I do about my own family. I certainly know more about her than I do about any of my neighbors. What I find most annoying though, is how much coverage is being given to a question that no one even asked:The Freethinker › Heaven’s full of people who were never born
How can Sarah Palin shirk her womanly mommy duties to run for VP?"
An Open Letter to Gov. Sarah Palin on Women's Rights | Reproductive Justice and Gender | AlterNet
Sue Blackmore: Those who teach our children science have a duty to reveal the workings of nature | Comment is free |
Babies, acupuncture and the secret to a good night's sleep - Sydney Morning Herald
Autism and Vaccines: Why Bad Logic Trumps Science | LiveScience
David Bradnack: Face to faith | Comment is free | The Guardian
The Christian creed is full of bad science that makes it a religion of deception, argues David Bradnack
Burnee links
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Professor Brian Cox on the Large Hadron Collider, Moon Hoaxers and Intelligent Design

Next week's Radio Times has an interview with Professor Brian Cox, who has no patience with conspiracy theorists:
Radio Times:
"Cern is being sued in the US over the possible dangers of turning on the LHC, such as creating a mini black hole that might swallow the planet. Could it be the end of everything?"Brian Cox:
"The nonsense you find on the web about 'doomsday scenarios' is conspiracy theory rubbish generated by a small group of nutters, primarily on the other side of the Atlantic. These people also think that the Theory of Relativity is a Jewish conspiracy and that America didn't land on the Moon. Both are more likely, by the way, than the LHC destroying the world. I'm slightly irritated, because this non-story is symptomatic of a larger mistrust in science, particularly in the US, which includes things like intelligent design."Radio Times:
"One final question: how can you be certain? We've heard of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - does it mean you can't be sure of anything?"Brian Cox:
"The Uncertainty Principle is part of quantum mechanics, and the whole subject is based on that. So it affects every result at LHC, but it doesn't affect the conclusion that anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a t**t."
Posted by
Paul S. Jenkins
Professor Brian Cox on the Large Hadron Collider, Moon Hoaxers and Intelligent Design
Paul S. Jenkins
black hole|Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle|Intelligent Design|Large Hadron Collider|LHC|Moon hoax|Professor Brian Cox|Radio Times|relativity|

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